Buy Digital Signature Certificate
Buy Digital Signature Certificates online and get approval in 15 minutes. We do not ask for any physical document. Thanks to our paperless verification technology. We process and approve all types of Digital Signature Certificates. All applicants like Individuals, Organisations, Governments, or Foreigners can apply for it. Apicountry is the one-stop solution for all Digital Signature requirements. Choose the DSC type from below and apply online. If you are confused and need expert consultation, don’t hesitate to get in touch with us. We will be happy to assist you.
Order Placement and Delivery of DSC.
We do not ask for any physical document to issue a digital signature. Our paperless technology made it possible to apply DSC with soft copies of documents. If you are Aadhaar compliant, we don’t even need soft documents. You can complete verification by providing Aadhar authentication only. We dispatch all USB Token orders in Speedpost or DTDC courier. You are free to choose any delivery media as you wish. Both DTDC and Indian Speedpost provide the express delivery facility. Therefore we can deliver your order to PAN India within two to four working days. So buy a digital signature online with complete peace of mind.
Type and Usage of Digital Signature.
Digital Signature is available in different verities. Following is the list of different types of DSC along with their usage.
Class 2 Digital Signature:
Class 2 DSC is discontinued on 1st January 2021. No new Class 2 digital signature can be issued by any Certifying Authority from the beginning of 1st January 2021. The office of the Controller of Certifying Authority, however, relaxed the use of existing Class 2 digital signatures till their expiry period.
Class 2 DSC was issued in two variants, Sign only & Sign with Encryption. Sign with Encryption DSC contains two certificates. Therefore, it is also known as Combo DSC. It is superior to the Sign-only DSC. It can also be used in all places as mentioned above. Apart from this, it has some extra uses, like Trademark filling, Logo registration, contractor’s e-tender filling, etc.
Class 3 Digital Signature:
Class 3 DSC is the most popular DSC. Income tax return(ITR), Company registration, Annual compliance filing, and GST filing are some major uses of Class 2 DSC. Employee Provident Fund, ESI, MCA portal, Net banking, etc accept this DSC. Also for online tenders and online auctions, this digital signature is used. Because of this, it is the most popular among all DSC.
Class 3 DSC is also available in two variants. Sign only and Class 3 Sign with Encrypt. The former is very rarely used. Later is used for e-tender and e-auction purposes. Class 3 Sign with Encrypt DSC can be used in place of any other DSC. Because it is the highest class of DSC.
DGFT Digital Signature:
This is a very unique type of DSC. The DGFT portal requires this DSC for IEC renewal or re-activation. Because the IEC users need to renew their certificate every year, this DSC is compulsory for them. Applicants must have an Import-Export Code(IEC) to apply for this DSC.
Document Signer:
Document Signer is used for digitally signing documents, and emails in bulk quantity. Therefore, automation software prefers it. A document signer is the only option for signing a large number of emails, documents, or invoices.
Foreigner Digital Signature:
Foreigners can only apply this type of DSC. Therefore we listed them separately. Both class 2 and class 3 DSC can be applied by foreigners. It is a document-based application process. The usage is the same as described in the Class 3 variant.
ePass2003auto Token:
ePass2003auto token is a popular DSC dongle. It is a well-known and popular brand. This token is currently known as HYP2003 Token
HYP2003 Token:
HYP2003 is the successor of the ePass2003 token. We use this token to download Digital Signature Certificates. It has an inbuilt security feature. Therefore it prevents the misuse of your certificate.
Proxkey Watchdata Token:
Proxkey Watchdata is also a popular DSC dongle. It is the second most popular token right now. We can use it to download and secure our digital signatures.