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Unlock ePass2003 Auto Token CSP 2.0

Unlock epass2003auto USB Token

The below unlock process is only applicable for CSP 2.0 ePass2003 Auto tokens. If you are having the old token then refer to section 2 of the unlocking process.

Unlock ePass2003 Auto Token CSP 2.0

  • SO PIN for ePass2003 CSP2.0: SO pin for epass2003 auto tokens are not fully available. Sometimes or very rarely available on a case-to-case basis. We have to unlock it through OTP mainly. You can apply SO Pin/OTP for ePass2003auto Token here.
  • Find the attached admin utility form link
  • Download and extract it.
  • Open the ePass2003-Admin-Plugin utility. (Close epass2003auto token manager before opening the Admin Utility.)
  • Click on the arrow above the Exit button.
  • Click on Unblock button given above and enter the SO PIN / OTP.
  • Enter the new PIN and confirm it.

Unlocking CSP 1.0 ePass2003Auto Token

To unlock a CSP 1.0 ePaas2003auto token, it must be upgraded to the newest CSP version. You can apply for upgrading the token CSP version here. Once CSP is upgraded, you can follow the above-mentioned process to unlock the token.

However, sometimes upgrading the CSP version might damage the digital signature certificate available inside it. Some certifying authorities allow re-download of digital signatures.

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ePass 2003 Auto Token CSP Upgrade Procedure

Upgrade epass2003auto csp version

ePass 2003 Auto Token Upgrade Procedure for New CSP Version 2.0.

CSP 2.0 refers to a new firmware version of a crypto token. Crypto Token is required to download a Digital Signature Certificate. As per the updated CCA guideline, CSP 2.0-enabled tokens can only be used to download a DSC after 1st July 2018. Hence all old tokens must be upgraded to be eligible for the DSC renewal process.


There are two ways to upgrade your ePass 2003 Auto Token. First is Interactive mode & second is Batch mode. If you are required to update a few tokens, say 2 nos, use Interactive mode. For a large number of tokens use Batch mode. Here we discuss both methods one by one. Prior to that, you need to download the ePass2003Auto Token CSP upgrade kit. Download the ePass 2003 Auto Token Upgrade kit here. After downloading, you will find a zip/rar file that you need to extract on your computer (You need WinRar software to extract the file).

Note: Please remove the old digital signature inside the token before updating.

After extracting, you will find many files. Now follow the below methods to upgrade according to the number of tokens you have.

a: Interactive mode:

1: Select the ePass-Update-Application.exe file as shown below.

2: Run the software, select Interactive mode & insert one token into the computer. you will see the serial number will show automatically as shown below.

3: Copy the serial number in a text file or word file one by one. Once all serial numbers are collected, buy the token upgrade key from here. We will generate the update key and send it to you.

4: Once you receive the updated keys, reopen the software. Select Interactive mode. Connect the token to the computer & update it using the key sent by us for that serial number. Please note that you can not update it if you have an existing certificate inside the token. you have to delete the old certificates first and then update them. Once the update is successfully done, the software show message “update successful”.

b: Batch Mode:

Open the Bulk-Serial-Number-Generator.exe file. run the file. A black screen will appear. Now insert a token & wait. the serial number will show on the black screen. Once it shows the serial number, remove the token & insert a new one. Connect all tokens like this one by one. The software will capture it & save the serial numbers in an xls/csv file in the same folder. see the below image. Once you get the SN.csv file, email it to We will generate the update key & sent you back.

2: Once you receive the updated keys, reopen the software. Select Batch mode. Now click “Browse update key” & select the update.csv file sent from us. Now insert the token & wait till it shows the serial number. Once shown, click on update. If the update succeeds, it shows the message in the result area. Now remove the token & connect the next token to update. Follow the above steps & update all tokens.

3: If you have an old version of epass2003auto token installed on a computer, first uninstall it using windows add or remove the app application.

4: After uninstall, download the ePass2003auto-Setup file. run the software & install it. Once it is installed successfully, you can proceed to download the DSC. Also, you can watch the below video tutorial for more info.

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Download DSC Application Form

Download Digital Signature Application Form

Download DSC Application Form. Select your category and download the respective form. Fill out the form properly, scan it & send us along with supporting documents to process the DSC.

Note: With effect from 1st January 2021, all individuals, organizations & foreigners can apply in a paperless format. The mandate to send documents is withdrawn by CCA.

Download DSC Application Form
1-  Individual DSC Application Form.Download DSC Application Form
2-  Organization DSC Application Form.Download DSC Application Form
3-  Government Organization Form.Download DSC Application Form
4-  IET DGFT DSC Form.
5-  Foreign Individual DSC Form.
6-  Foreign Organizational DSC Application Form

To know more about class and types of digital signatures, refer to our separate article on this.

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What is a Digital Signature Certificate?

What is digital signature certificate

If you are looking for What is a Digital Signature Certificate, you come to the right place. Here you get a general meaning of it.

To speak in general terms. a Digital Signature Certificate is a digital medium to sign the forms or documents submitted, and send to anyone. It gives sufficient proof to the receiver that it was sent by the signed individual only. If you are looking for the definition of the digital signature certificate, you should check our article on it.

Being digital media, it requires a USB crypto token to store it. USB crypto tokens look like a Pendrive but are completely different in internal structure and design. Like a Pendrive, it can not store a spreadsheet, document, or song but a digital signature. Many people misrepresent a digital signature as a USB token or Pendrive. If you require to buy a USB token, visit the link and get one for yourself.

We have discussed how to get a digital signature certificate and the uses of a digital signature certificate in a different article. You should check them to get a clear understanding. is providing all types of digital signatures since 2015. We issue digital signatures to individuals, organizations, Government institutes as well as foreigners. You can check our article on how to buy a digital signature to understand the procedure and requirements to get one.

How Apicountry will help in getting a DSC?

Since a national distributor, Apicountry can provide a certificate from any certifying authority. We mostly used Emudhra’s key combination. However, you can write explicitly if you need a certificate of any other CA like Sify or Capricorn, etc. We can get you one without any questions. We also provide complete help to properly complete the verification or documentation process. Get a complete list of certifying authorities from here.

Write to for any other requirements or confusion. We will happy to assist you. You can also watch a video tutorial about What is a digital signature here in Hindi.

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How To Make Digital Signature Certificate?

How to make a Digital Signature Certificate

How to make a digital signature certificate is a common question for any individual who intends to buy it for the first time. Since it is a mandatory requirement for all tax filing and e-tender applications an individual need to buy it. To know what is a digital signature certificate, you can refer to our separate article.

Once you know about it, the second important question will be which Class of DSC do you require? The answer to this question is your requirement and the purpose for which you need it. If you want to register a new company, you need a Class 3 Sign Only DSC. If you want to participate in e-Tender you might require a Class 3 Combo DSC. Again, for import-export purposes, you need a DGFT digital signature. You can refer to our article Uses of Digital Signature Certificate for detailed information on it.

Apply Digital Signature Certificate

After getting all information, one should be clear about DSC & Which class is required, the next step is to apply for it.

Anyone can buy DSC from We have listed separate products for different classes & types. Both individual & organization applicants can apply for these products easily. A separate product listing was also made for DGFT and Class 3 DSC. Options are provided for New or renewal orders with flexible pricing and year of validity. You can choose from the following and browse directly to the required page.

Also watch the following video tutorial (Hindi) to know more about, How to make a digital signature certificate?

DSC Application Process

To make a DSC, the applicant needs to apply and verify his identity. Once you visit the above-mentioned link and complete the application process, you will receive the verification link. Individuals can verify their identity using Aadhaar or PAN verification process. Because of updated CAA guidelines, Individual DSC will be applied in paperless mode only. Organization applicants are required to upload scan copies or soft copies of the required documents for paperless verification. Please watch the following video tutorials(Hindi) to know the application process.

Downloading of DSC

The DSC Certifying Authority approves the application after successful verification. Then we can download the digital signature into a valid USB token. Proxkey Watchdata, HYP2003, ePass2003auto, etc. are some popular tokens. We can use it within its validity period which is normally 2 years or 3 years. Because of the change in the CSP version, you need an updated USB token which you can buy here. Please watch the following video tutorials(Hindi) to know the DSC download process.