Digital Signature for NSWS Portal. NSWS refers to the National Single Window System of the Government of India. It facilitates the application and registration of various licenses for investment in India. Anyone can avail of the following services from the NSWS portal.
- Identification of requisite pre-establishment and pre-operation approval for setting up a business unit in India
- Application of suggested approvals
- Digital repository for storing documents related to approvals
- Payment of processing fees to issue any approvals
- Post application, tracking and status updates on applications submitted
- Easy Renewal
- Information about approvals such as timelines, fees, documents required etc.
Digital Signature for NSWS Portal
To take benefit of NSWS, a valid Digital Signature is required. A DSC ensures confirmation of the applicant’s authorization in the application process. Follow the steps below to DSC into the NSWS portal.
- Buy a Digital Signature for NSWS uses. Apicountry is an authorised RA to issue a valid DSC.
- Install DSC Token/Driver provided by Apicountry.
- Run the necessary connecting application from the NSWS portal.
- Open the Common Registration Form in the NSWS portal.
- Proceed to add Authorised Signatory Details with the correct PAN as in DSC.
- Click on the ‘Add’ button to register the DSC.
- On the next screen select Apicountry Token from the dropdown list ‘Provider’.
- Once the token is selected, DSC will be displayed in the ‘Certificate’ Field.
- Then enter the token password and click the ‘Add Signature’ button.