New USB Token Guidelines by CCA are now live. The latest November 2022 circular is in force. Old Tokens are now not usable. It will be going to add more burden to the common man as well as the DSC resellers.
As per the new guideline issued by CCA on 14th November 2022, there is going to be a major change in the USB Token software part. Please go through the following points to know all points in detail. With effect from 1-Apr-2023 following changes must be implemented.
USB Token Guidelines
- No new USB Token shall be issued with the PIN Reset Option. It means all token manufacturers must disable the option to reset the token pin at the user level.
- Users need to change the default token pin/password before downloading the certificate into it.
- USB tokens should come with a unique serial numbering system with the first two digits containing the OEM’s (Original Equipment Manufacturer) name code. For example, WATCHDATA PROXKEY will have serial numbers like WD12345678. Similarly, HYP2003 will have serial numbers like HS12345678901 and so on. Refer to the following image for more clarification.
- You can use the old series tokens till 31st March 2023 to download DSC.
- Existing old tokens in which DSC is present will work till they are valid.
- After expiry, the old tokens are not usable to re-issue new DSC.
- The old Series tokens will not work to download the new certificate from April 1, 2023.
- To avoid a loss to the partner on account of unused stocks, the existing unused Tokens (Brand New) are eligible for an update to comply with New Guidelines 2.0 on a chargeable basis.
- Old HYP2003 tokens are eligible for an update while ePass2003auto Tokens are not eligible for the update. Similarly, Emudhra, Vsign, Capricorn & Pantasign branded tokens are not eligible for the update.
- Proxkey Watchdata tokens are eligible for an update if the serial number is greater than 3900000 only. It means any Watchdata Proxkey token having serial numbers below 3900000 can not be updated.
- Please note that only brand-new tokens are eligible for the update. If the tokens are used in any way, they are not eligible for an update.
- The unused token update facility is open from 20-Mar-2023 to 20-Apr-2023 only. It is only there to prevent our business partners from any financial loss.