Old Token Exchange Offer
Old Token Exchange Offer means replacing old tokens with new tokens. Now you can get a new CSP 3.0 token against your old CSP1.0 and CSP2.0 Token. This offer is brought to you by Apicountry in collaboration with the Token manufacturer & certifying authorities.
In this offer, we collect unused tokens from you. In return, we give a new CSP 3.0 token. Only ePass2003Auto, HYP2003 and Watchdata Proxkey Tokens are eligible under this offer. The tokens should be taken from us only. The buyer should bear the applicable courier charges in this process
Can we exchange used tokens?
Currently, there is no offer available. We will soon launch its offer once we get confirmation from the respective companies. Don’t give used tokens along with new tokens. We have the full right to dispose of old tokens without paying any money and can not send them back to you.
How can we give tokens and buy counters?
You need to send Tokens to our office address by courier or by hand. Please fill out this Token Exchange Form and send it along with the tokens for a smooth exchange process.
What tokens are eligible for this return/exchange process?
Tokens of the below make/brands are eligible under this offer. The token name should be neat and clean. Don’t paste any gum or sticker over the token. Don’t send tokens that are not eligible.
Which address shall we send tokens to?
Tokens should be sent to the following address. Send an email with details of the tokens sent and the courier tracking number.
MOB: 8658511010
What should we do after sending tokens?
Yes, you need to email us the following details.
1 – Courier tracking number.
2 – Token Exchange Form (soft copy) with exact count of tokens.
We have mixed tokens old and new both. What should we do?
In case you have mixed tokens, try to segregate them if possible. All tokens will go through a software check before accepting an exchange offer. The company will accept or count the clean tokens only. If they find any used tokens or tokens with gum or any mark on it, they will be rejected. No compensation or return will be provided for them. Therefore we request you do not send them.
When should we receive new tokens in return?
Generally, you will receive new tokens within 15 days from the date we receive the old tokens. However, the maximum time given is 30 days.
Is it possible to exchange 10 Old e2003 pass tokens I have with me?
Please call 8658511010 for details.