Digital Signature Without PAN

 1,349.00 4,800.00

➤ DSC price includes GST 18%.
➤ Suitable for Individual & Organisation.
➤ DSC validity is up to 3 years.
➤ Completely digital & online process.
➤ Free support till the validity of DSC.
➤ Support if DSC is lost or stolen.
➤ Quick renewal with all benefits.

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Digital Signature Without PAN

Digital Signature without PAN refers to making a DSC without providing the PAN details of the applicant. Entering PAN details is optional for the DSC user. So we can make an Individual application without providing PAN details.

Documents for Digital Signature Without PAN

To process these types of applications, we use the Aadhar verification method. For Individual DSC, we need the applicant’s mobile should be mapped to Aadhaar for OTP verification. Secondly, the applicant should be available for video verification. If any one of the above conditions is not matching, then you should consider DSC without the Video option.

Organisational users should provide their organisations’ PAN if available. For the applicant’s identity verification, we can use Aadhaar verification. So the applicant can skip mentioning their own PAN details. All other applicable organisational documents should be in order.

DSC Without PAN Price

The cost of a digital signature starts from 1349 and increases with higher validity. Refer to the below list for tentative prices of different DSC types:

  • Class 3 Sign Only DSC Renewal Price: Rs. 1349/-
  • Class 3 Sign with Encryption DSC Renewal Price: Rs. 2699/-
  • DGFT Digital Signature Renewal Price: Rs. 2699/-

Download of Digital Signature

We will assist in downloading the digital signature. Also, you can refer to our available tutorials to know the DSC downloading process. But before downloading, ensure you have the latest DSC Token or DSC Dongle.

Watch the following video tutorial to learn how to download a Digital Signature Certificate.


Additional information

Class Type

DGFT, Class 3

DSC Type

Sign Only, Sign with Encrypt


1 Year, 2 Year, 3 Year


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