Foreigner Digital Signature

(2 customer reviews)

 3,540.00 8,260.00

➤ Suitable for Individual & Organisation.
➤ Renewal validity is up to 3 years.
➤ Completely digital & online process.
➤ Free support till the validity of DSC.
➤ Support if DSC is lost or stolen.
➤ Quick renewal with all benefits.

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Foreigner Digital Signature

Foreigner Digital Signature is meant for individuals and organisations not belonging to India. This means that all individuals and organisations who are foreigners to India can apply for this digital signature. We are issuing 1-year, 2-year and 3-year digital signature certificates to foreigners.

Citizens of other countries should apply for a Foreigner DSC in India to transact safely in India. Similarly, organisations from other countries can apply for it.  Class 3 type digital signature is suitable for all major transactions in India. If you want to transact in the Indian DGFT portal, choose DGFT DSC.

Application Process

The application process for Foreigner Digital Signature is straightforward. The steps and stages of the approval process are below.

  1. Place an order for a Digital Signature Certificate.
  2. Provide Applicant’s Photo, Passport and National ID proof Document.
  3. Complete Email verification.
  4. Complete video verification.
  5. Approval of DSC takes 1 to 2 hours after video verification.
  6. We can download the DSC after approval.

Why should I apply for a DSC?

A DSC(Digital Signature Certificate) authenticate your identity electronically. It also provides high security to all digital and online transactions. Encryption keeps data intact and private. Because the recipient only can read the messages sent by the sender and no other person. Similarly, the recipient receives assurance that the data has not been changed in transit.

Where can I use DSC?

  • You can use DSC in all secure email or web transactions.
  • To submit various government forms and fillings.
  • To participate in eTender and eAuction
  • And many more applications are there.

Additional information

DSC Type

Sign Only, Sign with Encrypt


1 Year, 2 Year, 3 Year

2 reviews for Foreigner Digital Signature

  1. Rajesh

    Application is very easy. The video tutorials are very helpful.

  2. Danial Boo

    I like your support as well service. Keep it up.

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