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Digital Signature Certificate Uses

Use of Digital Signature Certificate

Digital Signature Uses. Use of Digital Signature Certificate in India. Following are the places where the digital signature is used for all transactions.

Digital Signature Certificate is used for the following purposes.

Income tax return filling.
GST registration.
GST return filling.
All types of Company registration (LLP, LTD, PVT LTD, OPC, etc.)
Annual compliance filing of all types of companies.
All other transactions in the MCA portal.
Import-export transaction in DGFT portal.
Trademark registration and logo registration.
Patent registration or application.
IRCTC vendor transaction.
Employee provident fund transaction.
Mgnrega contractor use.
Government organization transaction.
Panchayat office transaction.
eTender and eAuction transaction.

Digital signature uses are increasing day by day. There are many other websites where a digital signature is used for all transactions. It is practically impossible to list all websites. He has listed some major sites only.

List of websites accepting DSC for Tender

Following are some major sites accepting class 3 digital signatures for submitting a tender.

Government of India eProcurement System.
Indian Oil Corporation.
Ministry of Electronics and Information Technology.
Coal India Limited.
Government of India eTender Portal.
Organisations under MoD
Maharashtra Tender
Engineering Projects (India) Ltd.
West Bengal Tender
Airport Authority of India
Assam Water Resource
National Informatics Centre