If you are looking for What is a Digital Signature Certificate, you come to the right place. Here you get a general meaning of it.
To speak in general terms. a Digital Signature Certificate is a digital medium to sign the forms or documents submitted, and send to anyone. It gives sufficient proof to the receiver that it was sent by the signed individual only. If you are looking for the definition of the digital signature certificate, you should check our article on it.
Being digital media, it requires a USB crypto token to store it. USB crypto tokens look like a Pendrive but are completely different in internal structure and design. Like a Pendrive, it can not store a spreadsheet, document, or song but a digital signature. Many people misrepresent a digital signature as a USB token or Pendrive. If you require to buy a USB token, visit the link and get one for yourself.
Renew Digital Signature₹ 795.00 – ₹ 2,899.00
Class 3 Digital Signature₹ 795.00 – ₹ 2,890.00
Emudhra Digital Signature₹ 1,540.00 – ₹ 3,890.00
DGFT Digital Signature₹ 1,689.00 – ₹ 2,899.00
We have discussed how to get a digital signature certificate and the uses of a digital signature certificate in a different article. You should check them to get a clear understanding.
Apicountry.com is providing all types of digital signatures since 2015. We issue digital signatures to individuals, organizations, Government institutes as well as foreigners. You can check our article on how to buy a digital signature to understand the procedure and requirements to get one.
How Apicountry will help in getting a DSC?
Since a national distributor, Apicountry can provide a certificate from any certifying authority. We mostly used Emudhra’s key combination. However, you can write explicitly if you need a certificate of any other CA like Sify or Capricorn, etc. We can get you one without any questions. We also provide complete help to properly complete the verification or documentation process. Get a complete list of certifying authorities from here.
Write to support@apicountry.com for any other requirements or confusion. We will happy to assist you. You can also watch a video tutorial about What is a digital signature here in Hindi.